Pool Testing Tips, Chemistry Information, and Maintenance Guides

It’s Soon Time to Close the Pool

Fall is fast approaching. With that comes colder weather and falling leaves. Prepare your pool closing now so it can be as easy as possible. Remember, a successful spring opening starts with a properly closed pool!

Using a submersible Pump to drain pool water

How to Drain Your Pool Below the Skimmer

Most pools will require a partial drain of the water for closing. Learn the quickest and safest ways to drain.

Collage of a close pool and an open pool

When to Close Your Pool For the Winter

Closing requires a bit of planning. You should know what factors to consider when deciding to close for the winter.

Pool closing with mesh cover

How to Close An Inground Pool

Learning how to close a pool yourself can at first seem intimidating. However, this step-by-step guide should alleviate that worry.

Illustration of pool testing

Pool Testing Simplified

Testing is an important part of pool ownership. It is the only way to ensure water is clean and clear of algae and other contaminants. We also know how difficult understanding test procedures and parameters can be.

Learn about the basics of pool testing and the chemistry behind a properly balanced pool.

What Testing Kit is Right for You?

Pool water tests should be reliable and accurate to ensure the right chemicals are added for a proper water balance. But which kit is the best for your kind of pool?

Choose the best pool testing kit that fits your needs.

Illustration of pool testing kits
Illustration of pool chemicals

Recommended Pool Chemicals

Pool chemicals are essential for maintaining a clean and safe swimming environment. Choosing which chemicals to use can be an overwhelming experience. However, you might not know that most chemicals might be under your kitchen sink.

Understand the recommended pool chemicals that are needed for swimming pools and how to properly store them after use.

All About Chlorine

Most water issues can be prevented or fixed by using chlorine. It neutralizes and kills any contaminants that are introduced into pool water, including algae, leaves, pollen, and other organisms.

Learn why chlorine is the best sanitizer and the different types of chlorine that can be used. Also, use our chlorine calculator to know how much chlorine to add to the pool.

Illustration of pool chlorine
Illustration of pool equipment

Pool Maintenance Guidelines

A good water balance water starts with a clean pool surface and properly functioning equipment. With a bunch of moving parts that keeps a pool running, you should know the basics of pool maintenance.

Find out more about the pool maintenance basics.

Find The Right Pool Pump

The pool pump is one of the most important parts of your pool system. It is the heart of the system, bringing water into the filter and returning it back.

Understandably, each pool has different pump needs. Find the best pool pump for your pool’s system.

Illustration of a pool pump.

Read Our Reviews

We review pool equipment and accessories that we use during the swimming season. All reviews are without biases or influence from outside parties or partnerships.