How Often Should You Shock Your Pool?

Shocking your pool should not be something that you just do, nor should it be a part of your pool maintenance routine.
It is a waste of time, chlorine, and not to mention money, to shock a pool that has good water balance and no issues based on testing.
The only time you need a shock treatment is if you have a problem with your water, like an algae bloom, or for extra insurance during a pool opening and closing.
Shocking is Not One-And-Done
Shocking the pool is a process with an end goal to eliminate a water issue. When testing, combined chlorine (CC) above 0.5 indicates a problem!
It can take days, even weeks, for a full shock treatment. Not to mention a lot of chlorine.
It should not be a singular event where you dump a pouch of calcium hypochlorite (cal-hypo) or a gallon of liquid chlorine in the water once a week. Sure your free chlorine (FC) levels will rise, but for what purpose?
Why Most Recommendations Are to Shock Once a Week
A lot of pool owners like a weekly routine. Check the filters, brush the walls, vacuum, etc. It’s easy to include a shock treatment as part of that checklist so they don’t forget.
Routine testing is not something that everyone has time for, and that’s OK. Daily chlorine readings isn’t the norm, so adding an extra dose of chlorine at the end of the week helps compensate.
And, let’s be honest, it’s a pool store recommendation. I have nothing against these stores, but their main goal is to sell product.
Keep Your Pool Balanced, Leave the Shocking Behind!
A properly balanced pool with routine testing will ensure you won’t have to shock your pool during the swimming season, or ever for that matter.
It isn’t bad to shock the pool once a week. It’s just not necessary!