Tips on Keeping a Kiddie Pool Clean Without Draining Water

Kiddie pools are a great way to have fun and keep your kids cool during the summer months!
Like any other swimming pool, a kiddie pool requires maintenance to keep its water as clean and clear as possible.
The fun can end very quickly when it ends up like this:

It Isn’t Always Possible To Just Drain and Refill
The easy answer here would be to just drain the pool and refill it after each use.
While that will definitely get the job done, it isn’t always practical and can be more expensive, depending on water costs and the size of the kiddie pool.
If your pool holds over 100 gallons, that’s a lot of water to drain and refill after every use. There are different ways to keep your kiddie pool clean for the summer.
Keep the Water Moving as Much as Possible
Stagnant water will be your worst enemy for a small pool. Water needs to be circulating as much as possible to help promote water cleanliness.
Of course, kids playing in the pool is the most fun way to keep that water moving!
If your kiddie pool has the ability to utilize a pool pump and filter combination, that is highly recommended.
There are some creative ways to utilize a pump even without the built-in holes on the side. Check out the video below to get some inspiration.
The pump doesn’t have to be running when the kids are playing.
If that won’t work, we can innovate in other ways! One idea is to use a solar-powered fountain pump to continuously move water around.
Again, the goal is to just have the water moving when it isn’t getting used as frequently.
Brush, Skim, and Vacuum if Necessary
Just because you don’t have a “normal” pool doesn’t mean you are off the hook for some manual labor!
Get into a routine of skimming the debris off of the top as well as brushing the floor and sides is possible.
A rechargeable vacuum is also recommended to get that dirt and debris that can’t be picked up manually.
Location Matters, Put the Kiddie Pool in Shaded Areas
Along with stagnant water, sunlight is also an enemy. Set up your pool in a shaded area whenever possible. Direct sunlight promotes algae growth and other organic contaminants to start creeping into the water.
It doesn’t have to be shaded all day, but just enough to give it a break from the sun every once in a while.
You Still Need To Keep Your Water Balanced
If you plan on not draining the water, it must be sanitized and clean enough to swim in. Otherwise, your kids run the risk of swimming in contaminated water.
The most important things to consider are free chlorine and pH levels. You can also add cyanuric acid (CYA) to protect your chlorine from the sun.
A simple test kit will suffice for a smaller pool!
Test for Chlorine and pH.
Use our chlorine calculator to find out how much chlorine you need based on the number of gallons your kiddie pool holds. I recommend using liquid chlorine rather than tablets or granules.
Cover The Kiddie Pool When Not In Use
When the pool is not in use, consider using a cover. This will help keep out leaves, dirt, insects, and most importantly, sunlight.
Some pools might have a cover specifically made for it. Otherwise, just using a tarp would be ideal.
If It Gets Bad, It May Be Easier to Drain and Refill
If you do notice the water is getting green and gross, you might be better off just draining and refilling it.
While you can try shocking the pool to get it back to normal conditions, it might be more cost-effective (and less time-consuming) to just start over.
Putting The Kiddie Pool Away For The Season
Just like with any pool, your pool’s opening for next year starts at the closing. When storing it for the winter, make sure the pool is as clean as possible.
Completely deflate and dry the pool thoroughly before storing it. This prevents mold and mildew growth. You can also disinfect the pool with a diluted bleach solution (one part bleach to ten parts water) before drying.
Store your deflated pool in a cool, dry, elevated place away from direct sunlight.
Enjoy The Summer Swim Season!
Maintaining a kiddie pool isn’t difficult. Just stay on top of a few things, and your kids will be having fun all summer.
And hey, the more they play in it, the less you have to do!